The story of a difficult question
Sheikh came to the great Imam Shafei, asked him: What is the evidence and proof in the religion of Allah? Shafie said: the Book of Allah. Sheikh said: And what - well -? He said: Messenger of Allah year. Sheikh said: And what - well -? He said the nation agreement. Sheikh said: Where do I deal nation? Vskt Shafei, said Sheikh: Samhlk three days. Imam Shafei went to his house, and has been reading and looking at it. Three days later came to the Sheikh Shafi'i, greeted and sat down. Shafie
said to him: I read the Koran every day and night three times, until
God guided me to the verse: {It is Yshaqq Messenger after what turned
out to him and follow the guidance for non-believers Gomez took the
blade and hell and worse fate}. It violates what was agreed upon Muslim scholars is insert it properly guide the fire of God, and worse fate. Sheikh said: ratified