The story of a difficult question
Sheikh came to the great Imam Shafei, asked him: What is the evidence and proof in the religion of Allah? Shafie said: the Book of Allah. Sheikh said: And what - well -? He said: Messenger of Allah year. Sheikh said: And what - well -? He said the nation agreement. Sheikh said: Where do I deal nation? Vskt Shafei, said Sheikh: Samhlk three days. Imam Shafei went to his house, and has been reading and looking at it. Three days later came to the Sheikh Shafi'i, greeted and sat down. Shafie
said to him: I read the Koran every day and night three times, until
God guided me to the verse: {It is Yshaqq Messenger after what turned
out to him and follow the guidance for non-believers Gomez took the
blade and hell and worse fate}. It violates what was agreed upon Muslim scholars is insert it properly guide the fire of God, and worse fate. Sheikh said: ratified
The story of the fig leaf
One day came a few people to Imam Shafi'i, and asked him to remind them proof of the existence of God Almighty. And he thought for a moment, and then said to them: The directory is a fig leaf. Marveled people of this answer, and wondered: How to be and accuracy as berries proof of the existence of God? ! Said Imam Shafei: "The accuracy as berries taste one; But if eating silkworms out Harira, and if eaten bees out of honey, and if eaten antelope took out musk The smell good .. it is who united the origin and number of exits?!." It's God - the Almighty - great creator of the universe
The story of the Caliph al-Hakim
Omar bin Abdul Aziz - may Allah be pleased with him - known for his wisdom and kindness, and one day, he entered one of his sons, and said to him: O my father! Why compromise on some things?! I swear if I place so feared in the right one. Said the Caliph to his son: Do not hurry, my son; God will condemn alcohol in the Koran twice, and prohibited the third time, and I was afraid to bring people to the right phrase Vidfoh (any fear that forced it once Verwdoh ) shall be affliction. son so he left satisfied after that believed in the policy of his father, Hassan, and learned that according to his father, not weakness, but as a result of good understanding of his religion...
King and the minister ( a short story about trust )There was a king has a MinisterThis was the minister puts his trust in God in all his affairs .King one day lost his fingers one hand and blood came out , and when he saw the minister said the good is better , God willing , and when the wrath of the king to the minister and said, Where are the good and the blood from my finger .. Then the king ordered jailed Minister: What was the minister said, however, that as usual, the good is better , God willing, and went prison .In Habit: King every Friday to go Nozha .. In the last outing, a trip landed near a large forest .After a short break came the king of the forest, and the surprise was that the forest by the people worship their idol .. It was that day is a day of rejoicing idol , and were looking for a sacrifice they offer to the fetish .. Coincidentally, they found King and arrested him so that they present an offering to the gods .. The saw cut off his finger and said that the flaw is not advisable to offer a sacrifice , and released him .Then remember the words of the minister when King cut his finger ( good good , God willing ) .After the king returned from the trip and was released from prison minister and told him the story that happened to him in the woods .. He said he was actually cut finger which is good for me .. But ask you a question : You are going to jail heard you say good good , God willing .. And where you are going good and prison? .The minister said : I am with you always Zark and if it does not enter the prison to be with you in the woods and thus caught the idol worshipers and give me an offering to the gods , and I do not have my defect .. So I entered the prison was good for me .