Chapter Roman virtues and propertiesRoman thirtieth chapter of the Quran is Makki and has 60 verses .
Shbsh gets lost again . 1
To read this Svh twenty-third night of Ramadan is highly recommended . In
a hadith narrated from Imam Sadiq : Whoever spiders and Rome on the
night of the twenty-third chapter of Ramadan to recite God of heaven ,
and then telling him he said I was being sworn Everyone this night is no exception Elysian read these chapters do not fear God because I swear no sin except that I write. Because I am sure that these two chapters God is a great place . 2
story of Prophet PBUH and the prophet PBUH because Abraham was called
by the name of Khalil Ullah read verses 18-17 of Sura Rome . 3
Works and blessings Chapter
1 ) to achieve goodRead verses 18-17 of Sura Rome three times in the evening and the morning is recommended . Imam
Ali has said: Whoever says in the evening three times : " Allah during
Fsbhan Tmsvn and during Tsbhvn and Hamd fi les Alsmavat and earth and
Shya and during Tzhrvn " no good in him died that night is not all
evil , and evil is removed from him that night , and every morning
three times to read these verses also take advantage of 0.4
This verse is very important that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH who always sing this verse is the promise of paradise . 5