ذکّــــــــــــرイスラム教 Islam

فــذکّر إن نـفـعـتٍ الذّکــری سورة الاعلی «9»

ذکّــــــــــــرイスラム教 Islam

فــذکّر إن نـفـعـتٍ الذّکــری سورة الاعلی «9»

Listen to the Holy ease the pain of children

Listen to the Holy ease the pain of children There are many special studies carried out by Muslim doctors about the impact of cosmetics to listen to the Koran, but unfortunately not received deployment, unlike the studies, which are to hear the music ....
The scientists found that some sound frequencies can ease the pain felt by newborns, sought refuge to the music and found that listening to music calms the children and makes them sleep relaxed and happy. But what caught my attention was that music can improve heart and breathing of the child, scientists have used the sound of music for pain relief for premature babies, and they took blood samples from children and found that indeed these sound frequencies increase the proportion of oxygen in the blood. This study tested me you've made on my child for a period of two years during which he noted that the recitation of the Quran to children relieve their pain is so great that the child is when they hear the chanting of the Koran begins calm and satisfaction and slept soundly. After a period of voices of the two children of the Koran became each other's likes to listen to the Quran, especially before going to sleep. Even in the case of illness "infections suffered by the child, diarrhea and other diseases that pass by every child," the child's condition was much improved after listening to the voice of the Koran, and he feels happy and tranquility and hide the beer so much. Of course, my dears, and because of the lack of scientific research centers we have, such experiences remain special studies, whereas in the West that any idea may be imagined someone finds it adopts this idea is spent on them, but they are competing to attract ideas, and this is the reason for their superiority and progress of science. In any case, I can say that listening to the Quran is very necessary for every child and every great, and we hope our doctors Muslims to do such experiments to demonstrate the impact of the word of God to the children, knowing that such experiments simple and do not cost too much. Indeed, there are some studies such as the study conducted by Dr. Wafa AVI professor diseases conversational medicine Ain Shams, where it proved that the Qur'an revealed a new method for the treatment of children, who delayed the process of pronunciation have, through the words of God Almighty in the words of Moses, peace be upon him: (he said I am God * and * warrants pleased me analyze and knots of my tongue * Say is necessary) [Taha: 25-28]. The researcher has developed this Quranic text on the computer so that children can listen to and replicate, and led to the healing of a large number of children, and hence the importance that the mothers teach newborns words light related to religion, such as (a, God, Islam). Studies show presented by a large group of doctors who specialize in the field of communication that the majority of children who are chanting these words since childhood does not happen to them difficulties in communication, and speak to speak early, as demanded by mothers Bmdaoma talk with the children after the passage of the newborn period and try to study the Koran and listening to it through "cassette" and computer screens. Even if we go back to the Prophet peace be upon him, we find that the software in the baby's ear prophetic year! He said Ibn Qudamah God's mercy in his book Singer: recommended for parents to be authorized in the ear while his son is born, the report narrated by Abdullah bin lifter from his mother that the Prophet peace be upon him in the ear ear while Hassan was born of Fatima. And Omar bin Abdul Aziz was born if he was born to him taking it in a rag authorized in his right ear, and stayed in the left and he called.

Talk about the virtues of the Holy Quran

Talk about the virtues of the Holy Quran

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Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the virtue of the Holy Quran and the reward for reading.
People of the Koran are the people of God

Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him (if God Ahlin of people. Said: O Messenger of Allah, who are they? Said, are the people of the Holy people of God and his own). (Saheeh al 2165)

Modern Umaamah Baahili may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: (Read the Koran it comes doomsday intercessor for its companions). (Sahih Muslim)

His Koran ascends in grades paradise as far as him from the Qur'an

Abdullah bin Amr, may Allah be pleased with him: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (said to the owner of the Koran read and elevated and recite as you used to recite in this world, your status when you read the last verse). (Saheeh al 8122)

Quran offers its owner at the burial

Modern Jaber may Allah be pleased with him was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him combines two men dead in a dress and then one says: Ayham taking more of the Quran? If you refer to one foot in the grave. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

The descent of the angels and tranquility and compassion for his family and the Koran

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said (what people who met in the house of God, reciting the Book of God and studying with them but I got them quiet and fainted mercy and the angels of God who has mentioned). (Sahih Muslim)

Doubling the reward for reading a single letter of the Qur'an exponentially many

Modern Abdullah bin Masood may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (of the characters read from the book of God has its good and good ten-fold I do not say (pain) character, but: A character letter L, and M characters). (Saheeh al 6469)

Ikram holder of reverence for the Holy God

Ash'ari may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him (that of reverence for God honoring a Muslim al-Shibh and holder of the Quran is a precious and mois him and honoring a Sultan installments). (Hassan) (Saheeh al 2199)

His Koran wears a suit and a crown of dignity dignity

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him: that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (comes His Holy Day of Resurrection, he says: O Lord resolved, Phelps crown dignity. Then say: O Lord Zadeh Phelps suit dignity, then say: O Lord, the land of him, is said to read and thinner and increased each verse well). (Hassan) (Saheeh al 8030)

Quran raises owner

Said Omar may Allah be pleased with him: But if your prophet peace be upon him, said: (Allah raises some people in this book and others put it). (Sahih Muslim)

(Raises this book): any reading and work (and puts it): any disaffection with him and leave the work thereunder.
Best to learn the Quran and teach

Osman interview may Allah be pleased with him: that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (best to learn the Koran and knowledge). (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

The commandment of the Prophet peace be upon him the Koran

Talha Bin said the bank asked Abdullah ibn Abi fuller God bless them: Is the Prophet peace be upon him recommended? He said: Do not. I said: How commandment written on people or ordered commandment? He said: (I recommend the book of God). (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Hafiz said: saying (how people wrote on the commandment) or how (ordered commandment) How any ordered Muslims not doing something that the Prophet peace be upon him.
Prayer of the Prophet peace be upon him for mercy Tla Quran

Hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas that the Prophet peace be upon him entered the tomb at night. Vosrj him Siraj took him by the direction and said: (God bless you for that Ouaha Tla of the Koran) and grew by four. (Al-Tirmidhi said: good talk)

Preferred Hafiz Quran

Modern Ash'ari may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (such as a believer who reads the Koran like Alotrjh, good fragrance and taste good. Such a believer who does not read the Koran like Prinia, no wind it and it tastes sweet. Like a junkie who reads the Koran Rihaneh like, good fragrance and tastes bitter, and like a junkie who does not read the Koran like Alhandalh, no wind and tastes bitter). (Bukhari and Muslim)

Preferred skilled Koran which it Ataatata

Aisha talk about the Prophet peace be upon him said: (such as who read the Koran, which kept him with the noble, and that reads like a Ataahidh, it is a severe double reward). (Bukhari and Muslim)

Ear of God to those who sing the Koran

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him that he had to say: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (as authorized by God to something authorized to sing the Holy Prophet). (Bukhari and Muslim)

His Beatitude Quran

Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (no envy except in two: a man to whom God Koran is followed by pots of the night and pots of the day and a man to whom God's money is spent pots of the night and pots of the day). (Bukhari and Muslim)

Remember the Koran better than pleasures of this world

About obstacle bin Amer al-Juhani said, we came out of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and we are in character, he said: (Which of you like to become a Btahan agate takes the Naqtin Kumaoan Zahrawin without sin to God and to cut (break) the womb?) Said: We are all O Messenger of God, said : (For if one of you becomes every day to the mosque, he learns two verses from the Book of Allah is better than Naqtin though three Fetlat like their numbers of camels). Narrated by Muslim

The virtues of variety

Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (If you read the son of Adam Sajdah worshiped retired from Devil May Cry says: oh and night) in the novel (Aoely) (is the son of Adam prostrate bowed himself hath paradise and ordered to prostrate Vibat Valley Fire) . (Sahih Muslim)

The start of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the Big Bang theory:

The start of the creation of the heavens and the earth and the Big Bang theory:

Is considered one of the Big Bang theory of cosmic theories that talk about how the origins of the universe, and considered this theory to the present scientific facts in astronomy and physics.
- In twenty-seven and nine hundred THOUSAND show the world the Belgian: "George Le Maitre" (George Le Maitre) theory of the Big Bang (Big Bang), which says that the universe was at the start of its inception mass gaseous great density, luster and heat he called the cosmic egg.
Then he got in this block, the impact of the tremendous pressure that comes from the intensity of heat, blast and a great bait with parts thrown in every direction Vtkont with the passage of time the planets, stars and galaxies.
- In year nine and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and sent the U.S. space agency "NASA" (NASA) artificial satellite Cobe explorer and who sent after three years of accurate information confirms the Big Bang theory and plucked all of Benzias and Wilson. The universe occupies a very small size and because of the Big Bang led to the continued rush of matter and the universe is expanding and expansion, which is now in the process to be extended and expanded, and the estimated age of the universe that began around (13.7) billion years.

The start of the creation of the universe as stated in the Quran and Hadith is as follows:
God says: (not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and made from water every living thing do you not believe in {21/30}.
And the interpretation of the verse is that the heavens and the earth were Mmelthmtin atresia in one, were separated in the process of hernia and that all living creatures created by God Almighty is from the water.
In the hadith shows us the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him how to create the heavens and the earth, saying: "(if God had his throne on the water and did not create anything by the water, and when he wanted to create a character out of the water with smoke rising, then Ibis water Fjolh ground, Then Vtgaha making them seven Earths, that said, when he finished God Almighty to create what I like ripen on the throne). Narrator: some companions of the Prophet peace be upon him updated: Albanian - Source: Summary altitude - Page or number: 54, summary judgment The updated: attribution good.
And the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said, when asked: Where was God Almighty before He created His creation? He said he was in Ame, what is beneath conditioning, and the air above it, then created his throne on the water. Narrator: Abu demure Aqeeli bastard Ben Amer updated: Ibn Jarir al-Tabari - Source: History of al-Tabari - or page number: 1/40, the updated summary judgment: True
Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him: I said: O Messenger of Allah, tell me about everything, he said, everything is created from water. Narrator: Abu auspicious Persian civil updated: Ibn Hajar - Source: Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar - Page or number: 5/36, summary judgment updated: attributed correctly.
However, the majority of the nation's scholars contemporary Muslims went to the interpretation of the verse as stated according to the Big Bang theory and said that the theory of the Big Bang is the scientific miracle to explain the verse, not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and made from water every living thing do you not believe in {21/30 }.
But there is a clear decrease between the Big Bang theory and the verse in several key points are:
1 "- in the Big Bang theory says the universe begin his creation for more than thirteen billion years ago and that the earth was created since (four billion and a half years), while in the verse and the conversations that we have mentioned previously that" the heavens and the earth was created together "(the heavens and the earth were sewn Vvtguenihama).

2 "- in the Big Bang theory has not been able to know what are the material that got the process hernia, while the verse and the conversations that we have mentioned previously that" the heavens and the earth was created from water, (How many number of years to come needed by astronomers and others do not prove that the whole universe origin water !!).
3 "- The Big Bang theory says that the bloc, which began where the explosion was the size of an egg, or much smaller, while physicists say if we pressed the earth so that there is no vacuum and every atom touched corn're going to get the ball size two centimeters cubes, let alone that our galaxy only contain nearly 100 billion star does not consider our sun largest of these stars or the smallest, but is a compromise between the two. there of stars more than the size of our sun, hundreds of thousands of times, a so-called feed Galactico giant stars., how is the size of each These planets, stars and galaxies if the rest of the pressed egg-sized or smaller The land alone if pressed two centimeters in size cubes!!!.
4 "- The theory of the Big Bang began to return back by referring back in time, Valmrsod is only galaxies are from each other, and thus the star away from us billions of light-years, how much is its size before the Big Bang and what is the size now, after the passage of billions of light-years, because when we say now Valndjem have cut the duration of time it takes wudu to reach us, any that the universe expands and expands Does size planets grows and expands, and if so, says the Big Bang theory (that the Big Bang start explosion of the body is smaller than Aldh), the volume of land, according to the theory of the Big Bang at the moment of the Big Bang was not seen in the strongest electronic microscopes for the size of the universe.
5 "- the Big Bang theory does not know what it was before the creation of the heavens and the earth, that is, before the Big Bang, while the conversations that we have mentioned previously that" before the creation of the heavens and the earth, the water is present "The throne Rahman on the water Almighty says: (He who created the heavens and the earth in six days and had his throne on the water to test you is best in deed While You told envoys from Icoln after death for those who disbelieve This is nothing but magic shown {11/7}.
Since less than two years just announced astronomers discovered what they described as depot fresh water floating in free space, and contains quantities of water exceeds the contents of the planet of water in the oceans and seas and rivers are one hundred and forty trillion times, scientists noted that this water is too far from the Planet Earth even by the standards of space, since the distance between the warehouse and the planet twelve billion light-years away.
I do not want to say that this water, which was discovered by astronomers is the water that it's throne Rahman what Aaz God Almighty God Almighty expanded his chair heavens and the earth: (not nothing like a Hearer {42/11}, but this discovery confirms that the origin of the universe creation of water, and this corresponds to what came in the verse and the hadith cited above. "
6 "- the Big Bang theory is unaware of the latest blast? How can burst random to create Kuna organized this super precision? God says: (Praise be to God who created the heavens and the earth, and made darkness and light, and those who disbelieve in their Lord adjust {6/1}, and the word Blast mean destruction and chaos and are not accurately build endless.
Therefore domesticated some of our scientists Alaajazion Today this theory in spite of its flaws because they are better located, and claims some scientists Alaajazion today that the Big Bang theory has stated in the Quran, these scientists clung to words (were sewn together) in the Holy Quran and said this corresponds to the Big Bang theory.
I've built these scientists Alaajazion their assumptions and their interpretation of the book of God what he brought atheists in God, the Quran is the absolute truth that does not change because it is from God, the Almighty Creator, it should not be for one of the people that comes to theories of human beings in order to make it identical, "as stated in the book of the creator of human beings, but On the contrary, we must take from the Koran and working on his knowledge and proven.

Dr. Eng: Maher Obeid Alnobar