Listen to the Holy ease the pain of children
are many special studies carried out by Muslim doctors about the impact
of cosmetics to listen to the Koran, but unfortunately not received
deployment, unlike the studies, which are to hear the music ....
scientists found that some sound frequencies can ease the pain felt by
newborns, sought refuge to the music and found that listening to music
calms the children and makes them sleep relaxed and happy.
what caught my attention was that music can improve heart and breathing
of the child, scientists have used the sound of music for pain relief
for premature babies, and they took blood samples from children and
found that indeed these sound frequencies increase the proportion of
oxygen in the blood.
study tested me you've made on my child for a period of two years
during which he noted that the recitation of the Quran to children
relieve their pain is so great that the child is when they hear the
chanting of the Koran begins calm and satisfaction and slept soundly.
a period of voices of the two children of the Koran became each other's
likes to listen to the Quran, especially before going to sleep. Even
in the case of illness "infections suffered by the child, diarrhea and
other diseases that pass by every child," the child's condition was much
improved after listening to the voice of the Koran, and he feels happy
and tranquility and hide the beer so much.
course, my dears, and because of the lack of scientific research
centers we have, such experiences remain special studies, whereas in the
West that any idea may be imagined someone finds it adopts this idea is
spent on them, but they are competing to attract ideas, and this is the
reason for their superiority and progress of science.
any case, I can say that listening to the Quran is very necessary for
every child and every great, and we hope our doctors Muslims to do such
experiments to demonstrate the impact of the word of God to the
children, knowing that such experiments simple and do not cost too much.
there are some studies such as the study conducted by Dr. Wafa AVI
professor diseases conversational medicine Ain Shams, where it proved
that the Qur'an revealed a new method for the treatment of children, who
delayed the process of pronunciation have, through the words of God
Almighty in the words of Moses, peace be upon him: (he said I am God * and * warrants pleased me analyze and knots of my tongue * Say is necessary) [Taha: 25-28].
researcher has developed this Quranic text on the computer so that
children can listen to and replicate, and led to the healing of a large
number of children, and hence the importance that the mothers teach
newborns words light related to religion, such as (a, God, Islam).
show presented by a large group of doctors who specialize in the field
of communication that the majority of children who are chanting these
words since childhood does not happen to them difficulties in
communication, and speak to speak early, as demanded by mothers Bmdaoma
talk with the children after the passage of the newborn period and try
to study the Koran and listening to it through "cassette" and computer screens.
Even if we go back to the Prophet peace be upon him, we find that the software in the baby's ear prophetic year! He
said Ibn Qudamah God's mercy in his book Singer: recommended for
parents to be authorized in the ear while his son is born, the report
narrated by Abdullah bin lifter from his mother that the Prophet peace
be upon him in the ear ear while Hassan was born of Fatima. And
Omar bin Abdul Aziz was born if he was born to him taking it in a rag
authorized in his right ear, and stayed in the left and he called.